Campus Safety
3333 Regis Blvd. | Denver, CO 80221
Location: West Hall, Room 107
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Contact: 303.458.4122
Regis University regularly hosts and participates in emergency management exercises and seminars. Regis personnel collaborate with numerous local, state and federal first response and emergency management agencies in their efforts to keep the community safe and informed in the event of a disaster or other critical incident.
Regis University holds periodic drills and exercises on campus. These drills and exercises may be as simple as a Tabletop exercise or as complex as a full-scale exercise. The intent of each of these activities is to prepare and plan for real-life critical incidents by discussing and testing our plans, identifying and correcting gaps and seeking opportunities to partner with off-campus agencies to attempt to ensure that our respective responses compliment each other.
Campus Safety and other Regis employees take classes from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in order to enhance their ability to respond during an incident and expand their skill set in the emergency management arena.
Always stay informed on campus through RU Alerts. Also, if you or your department would like to participate in free defense training, simply contact us.
Behaviors that contradict the values of Regis University are addressed by staff in the Dean of Students Office and in Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance.
Incidents involving alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct (alcohol, drugs, harassment, vandalism, theft, etc.), can be reported online by completing the correct incident report form. The Director of Community Standards and Care will review reports of violations of the Student Code of Conduct. When reporting incidents please explain the behavior(s), who was involved, and when and where this happened. You will receive a response to your report soon after your email is received.
If reporting sexual misconduct, please contact:
Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator
Regis University
3333 Regis Boulevard, B-4
Main Hall 300
Denver, CO 80221-1099
3333 Regis Blvd. | Denver, CO 80221
Location: West Hall, Room 107
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Contact: 303.458.4122