Office of Financial Aid
Location: Clarke Hall 143
Walk-In Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Appointments encouraged
Like scholarships, grants are funds that do not need to be repaid. While most scholarships are based on merit and talent, grant funds are awarded based on financial need. You are automatically reviewed for need-based grant funds through the federal government, the state of Colorado, and Regis University, as applicable, based on your Student Aid Index number calculated after you submit your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
Pell Grant: The Federal Pell Grant is a federally-funded program for students with high financial need, based on their FAFSA. The annual awarded may change based on federal government regulations and based on your Student Aid Index (SAI) calculated by the FAFSA each year.
Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant: The federally-funded Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) may be awarded to students seeking a first-time baccalaureate degree. The FAFSA is used to apply for the grant. Students who qualify for Federal Pell Grants may be considered for FSEOG. The annual awarded may change based on federal funding and based on your SAI each year from your renewed FAFSA information.
Colorado Student Grant: Colorado Student Grant (CSG) are funds given to the school by the Colorado General Assembly and awarded to the following undergraduate students:
Priority is given to students who are enrolled full-time. Students must file the FAFSA and document residency by submitting a completed Colorado Residency Form. The annual amount awarded may change depending on funding from the state of Colorado and renewed FAFSA information.
College Opportunity Fund (COF): The College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend is an amount of money per credit hour paid by the state of Colorado on behalf of eligible undergraduate resident students. At Regis University, students must be Federal Pell Grant eligible each year for current and continued eligibility, as well as document their Colorado residency and have graduated from a Colorado high school. Students must apply for the stipend through the College Assist website.
In addition to federal and state grants, Regis University may award an institutional grant to full-time undergraduate students based on their FAFSA and calculated financial need. Students are automatically reviewed for the Regis Grant and no additional application is required. We encourage incoming and returning students to apply by our March 1 FAFSA priority deadline each year to be considered.
The Regis Grant is awarded for the fall and spring semesters only and the annual amount awarded may change depending on renewed FAFSA information.
Location: Clarke Hall 143
Walk-In Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Appointments encouraged