Regis University is committed to creating and maintaining an environment where individual and institutional responsibility combines to promote each student’s complete development. The mission of Community Standards and Care at Regis University is to encourage students to develop their own sense of personal responsibility and accountability regarding their decision-making and to educate students about the behavioral expectations of the University. As well as foster a safe and healthy community where individuals can access resources and seek support services to enhance their ability to succeed.

Community Standards
Rooted in the Jesuit ideal to promote the development of the whole person, The Office of Community Standards and Care uses fair and formative processes to encourage students to reflect in the spirit of the Regis mission, on how ought they to live.

In order for the University to achieve this goal within an atmosphere where the rights of its members are respected, it is necessary to establish community standards and expectations that are further outlined in the Student Handbook. Every member of the University community is provided equal rights and benefits in accordance with the expectation that each student has maturity, intelligence and concern for the rights of others. Only when a person demonstrates a lack of cooperation and consideration does the University, take some type of action to address any alleged community wrongs. Behavior judged to be disruptive to the community atmosphere, whether encouraged, attempted, or committed cannot be tolerated.

As members of the Regis community, we have a responsibility to care for one another and express concern. If you encounter another classmate/student whose behavior concerns you whether in regards to their well-being, yours, we encourage you to report this behavior through our referral process by submitting a Student of Concern form. Once a report is received and reviewed by the Director of Community Standards and Care, outreach will be done to the student of concern to make sure they have the support they need to be successful.

In situations where someone needs immediate medical attention or support, please contact Campus Safety at 303-458-4122.

As a community of care, we seek to support you in your overall well-being and work to foster a community that promotes “cura personalis.” We understand that students will sometimes face challenges that may interfere with their academic performance (mental health, food insecurity, homelessness, personal emergencies). Should you find yourself managing similar situations and find it interfering with your coursework and/or continued progress you are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students Office for support and referrals to our campus and community resources.

Purpose of the Student Code of Conduct
The intent in working with students in community standards matters is to enhance their growth in various areas including those of developing a sense of personal responsibility for their own behavior. Accordingly, each student will be treated as an individual within formal community standards procedures. These procedures will be instituted at such time as it becomes apparent that informal procedures are unlikely to produce desired changes in behavior or to increase the ability of the student to live with others in a group situation.

The Student Code of Conduct provided on this webpage applies to all students and supersedes any previous version.

students on the quad

Crisis Assessment Risk Evaluation (CARE) Team

Regis University is dedicated to providing care and support to students during their attendance at Regis University. The CARE Team is committed to fostering a safe and secure environment where all community members can access resources for their continued growth and success. The CARE Team will continue to foster and maintain the safety, health and well-being of the campus community through a proactive, objective, supportive and collaborative approach.

Learn More about the CARE Team
close up of paper form

Reporting an Incident

Behaviors that contradict the values of Regis University are addressed by staff in the Dean of Students Office and in Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance.

Incidents involving alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct (alcohol, drugs, harassment, vandalism, theft, etc.), can be reported online by completing the correct incident report form. The Director of Community Standards and Care will review reports of violations of the Student Code of Conduct. When reporting incidents please explain the behavior(s), who was involved, and when and where this happened. You will receive a response to your report soon after your email is received.

If reporting sexual misconduct, please contact:

Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator

Regis University
3333 Regis Boulevard, B-4
Main Hall 300
Denver, CO 80221-1099

Student Conduct Expectations
Within the traditions of its mission, Regis University expects its students to develop a high standard of behavior and personal values. Among these expectations are included:

  • Respect for the rights and human dignity of others, especially in the conduct of relationships;
  • Respect for the rights and needs of the Regis community to develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic study and personal development;
  • Respect for the University’s academic traditions of honesty, freedom of expression and open inquiry;
  • Tolerance and respect for the different backgrounds, religious traditions, personalities and beliefs of the students, faculty and staff that make up the Regis community;
  • A willingness to assist others in need of support, guidance or friendship;
  • Respect for federal, state, and local laws and ordinances; and
  • Respect for the authorities, policies, procedures and regulations established by the University for the orderly administration of University activities and the welfare of the members of the University community.

Statement of your Rights as a Student in the Community Standards Process
Should you be referred for a meeting, you will be afforded certain due process (procedural) rights. These rights as well as information regarding the formal process can be found in the Student Handbook. Students are able to request an advisor to assist them during this process. Anyone who may need accommodations may make a request with the Director of Community Standards and Care to have their request reviewed.

  1. You will be given the opportunity to read all written reports to be presented at the hearing regarding the circumstances and allegations of the case.
  2. You will have an opportunity to give your reaction to the report(s) and to offer any additional information that might be helpful in resololution.
  3. You have the right not to answer any question(s) that may be asked during the hearing and the assurance that a choice to remain silent will not be treated as an admission of guilt.
  4. You have the right to hear any testimony related to the case that may adversely affect you and to question persons giving such testimony.
  5. You have the right to present witnesses on your behalf (either to verify your character or to substantiate circumstances related to the case). You must inform the person or board hearing your case of the names of your witnesses, in writing, prior to the hearing date.
  6. You have the right to have a student, faculty or staff member from the University community appear with you as an advocate for support as you discuss your case with University officials or give testimony during a hearing. It is the student’s responsibility to select an advocate and make him/her available for the scheduled hearing. The University cannot guarantee that a particular individual will be able to serve as an advocate. The University does not warrant the competency or conduct of any University employee or student chosen to act as an advocate. (Note: See section on Advocate.)
  7. You have the right to request an appeal based on the criteria outlined in the Disciplinary Process section.
  8. You will receive written notification of the results of the hearing within five (5) class days of it, unless extended by the Dean of Students for good cause.
  9. You have the right to confidentiality in the conduct of disciplinary hearings and record keeping. Except in cases of suspension or expulsion, such information does not become part of your permanent academic record and is normally removed from University files and records after a reasonable time period following your departure or graduation from the University. This right has the following exception: parents, advisors, and/or coaches will be notified if you are held accountable for an intoxication or drug violation or if you are on First Probation. If you are a varsity athlete, your coach will be notified if you are held accountable for any type of alcohol violation.
The University reserves the right to modify these rights and adjust the disciplinary process as it determines necessary in order to assure fairness, order, and the physical and emotional security of individuals.

What to Do When Your Student is Involved in the Community Standards Process
Sending your student to an institution of higher education is as much of a transition for families as it is for students. The relationship you have with your student will undoubtedly change. Students are expected to make decisions on their own, to learn to resolve conflict independently, and to take responsibility for their actions. At the same time they covet your love, respect your opinion, and generally operate on the values you instilled in them.

So what should you do when your student becomes involved in the Community Standards process? The following section provides some recommendations for family members when they discover that their student is under review of alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct:

  1. While colleges and universities recognize that your goal is to provide support for your student, Community Standards staff ask that you provide this support unconditionally, but not blindly. Understand that there is a process in place to hear all information regarding the incident in question and encourage your student to prepare themselves for the process.
  2. When your student receives official communication regarding community standards procedures and has questions, direct them to contact a staff member in the office of Community Standards and Care. Staff members are not permitted to give specifics to parents without permission from the student and will most likely recommend that the student call anyway. This also empowers the student to solve their own issues and concerns.
  3. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 precludes the college or university from discussing your student’s academic and disciplinary record without their written permission.
  4. Educate yourself on the institution’s community standards process by reviewing the student handbook. Many of your questions may be easily addressed by reviewing these materials, but staff are always willing to answer questions about the process.
  5. Practice the "24 Hour Rule." You may receive a phone call or email message from your student because they are upset about facing conduct charges. You may be tempted to try to immediately fix the problem for them. This intervention invariably fails. Try to allow 24 hours to inform, guide, teach, observe, or reprimand (if necessary.) Lessons learned through participation in a community standard process must be experienced to have the desired effect. After all, gaining a higher education degree is about learning.

College and university hearing officers take their responsibilities as educators very seriously and do their best to provide a fair and unbiased system for all students. While these professionals understand that involvement in the community standards process may be difficult for students, they do their best to provide them support to effectively handle the situations in which they find themselves.

Adapted from The Student Conduct Process: A Guide for Parents, a publication of the Association for Student Conduct Administration, 2006

aerial view of Northwest Denver campus
Office of Student Affairs

Student Center Room 215

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
