Graduate Business Department

Looking to advance your career, switch fields or start your own business? A graduate business degree from Regis University’s Anderson College of Business and Computing will provide you with the tools and network needed to achieve your goals. As a member of the Anderson community, you will learn alongside peers from around the globe while getting personal attention from award-winning faculty. Our emphasis on experiential learning and community connections means you will be able to work on real business solutions with organizations across Colorado.

Graduates from our programs have gone on to careers with companies such as Northwestern Mutual, the Denver Broncos, Adobe and more. Also check out our new Anderson signature specializations in finance, health care, data analytics and entrepreneurship and innovation. Questions? Contact Admissions for more information.

MNM @30 Celebration

30 Years of Excellence

Regis University is proud to celebrate 30 years of the Master of Nonprofit Management (MNM) program which has served in developing nonprofit leaders in service with and for others.

Develop skills, confidence and agility to succeed in business

The Regis MBA program utilizes experiential learning and live projects to empower students with the confidence and skills they need to excel and lead in the working world. Advance your career with knowledge you can easily apply to any company setting. Connect with like-minded peers, industry trailblazers and entrepreneurs. Learn the foundations you need to achieve your dreams.

Kurt Gerwitz for Anderson Reports

Anderson Reports

In our Anderson Reports class, students form teams of stock analysts to compose a report on one publicly-traded, small-cap company that is headquartered in Colorado. The students interview top management, create a sophisticated financial model, and perform relevant and timely outside independent research. Because the audience is the investing public, the class and report demand high standards in analysis and communication, which students can be proud of. Students enrolled in a previous cohort predicted the stock price of Farmland Partners (FPI) within $0.10! And afterward, 100% of the students volunteered to support the next semester’s class.

Global sustainability movement

Explore Global Movement

Business schools are leverage points for leaders in this global movement, bringing about transformations and learning experiences through their network of students, professionals and teachers. Schools possess global reach, intellectual and financial resources, global visibility and the community structure to take current movements to the next level.

Ken Sagendorf teaching in the innovation center

The Innovation Center

As a long time faculty member Dr. Ken Sagendorf, Professor and MBA Program Director, is also the Director of The Innovation Center. This center has introduced co-teaching classes with business professionals from the community to bolster experiential learning while also cultivating and supporting entrepreneurship.

Meet the Marketing and Data Science Faculty

Luka Powanga
Luka Powanga


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M.D. Kinoti, Ph.D
M.D. Kinoti, Ph.D


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Kathy Dodaro, Ph.D.
Kathy Dodaro, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer

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Crystal Evans, Ph.D.
Crystal Evans, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer

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